Unity Europe


Institut Corse de Formation et Recherche en Travail Social

IFRTS is an Institute in the areas of Training and Research in Social Work, Medico Social and Health, involved in several activities:

• A private school delivering diplomas Masters I and II Master in Social Work
• A continuous vocational training center
• A Health and Social Training Institute
• Apprentice training centre (“Ecole des metiers du social et du medico-social en Corse” / scola di i mistieri di u suciale e medicu-suciale”)

The institute is implemented in Bastia and has branches in Ajaccio, Porto Vecchio and Calvi. It mobilises a team of more than 30 professionals (psychologists, sociologies, specialised educators, trainers, head of social intervention unit, nurses, social service assistants, child care assistant. …) Our organization provides trainings for social workers (more than 200 learners per year) to develop their professional skills to deal with children and young, adults, disabled, vulnerable people, migrants, developing more specialized competencies, reflective capacity and emotional resilience including psychosocial support activities.

Developing its expertise in the development of information, training, research IFRTS obtained the national quality certification for for training and skills development services provided. It recognized by the University of Corsica, the Regional Directorate for Youth, Sports and Social Cohesion (DRJSCS) and Corsica Region for training courses preparing State diplomas.

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IT Solutions for All

IT Solutions for all is a non-profit organization based in Malaga, Spain, that seeks promoting training on ICT technologies for low-skilled people and disadvantaged groups.

IT Solutions For All ‘s mission is to provide free technological consulting services and integral solutions in the field of information, communication and management tools to disadvantaged people in order to boost basic IT knowledge in modern technical environments.

IT Solutions For All’s vision is achieving short-term sustainable impacts in the fields of Digital Skills and IT solutions, with efficient management of resources, active community participation and the involvement of public institutions.

In Malaga, IT Solutions For All carries out different activities to convey the idea of improving quality of lifestyle by using ICT resources.

We help individuals to work more effectively and efficiently, and provide better results.
We believe and create on the Internet as a positive resource for million of people every day.

Helping people to “better work, better life” is our common purpose and the way in which we contribute to society.

This is what we do, this is what we care about, this is what we know all about.

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European Platform for International Cohesion

The European Platform for International Cohesion (EPIC) is an NGO that was established in Italy in early 2020 to build on the experience of its members coming from various social and educational backgrounds to promote the values of European integration in all its social and economic facets.

The core of the association is to promote awareness and ownership of the fundamental concepts of cohesion that stand behind the European Union. EPIC was founded by its members as a grassroot movement to counter the wave of the anti-European sentiment that started afflicting the dream of a United Europe to promote with small but concrete actions the values of European cohesion.

The spirit behind EPIC is one of "togetherness" and unity in a particular moment of social distress of the European dream. The purpose of EPIC is hence to promote and instil European values of integration and cohesion.

EPIC organises events of awareness among civil society and groups of citizens to provide concrete and valuable examples of the may positive opportunities of the European Union to inspire the population at large and share the values of European integration. The purpose of those activities is to promote engagement among various cohorts of target groups, ranging from youth to seniors.

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Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires

IHF, Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl, is a non profit organisation established in Brussels (Belgium) in 2003.

The principal aim of IHF is to provide the community (including non profit and local authorities) with assistance for the development of a wider international cooperation through activities of specialised training on European policies and the dissemination of European values.

One of the means to reach this objective is the organisation of highly specialised courses and seminars focused at the development of European projects. The courses focus on EU Policies and Legislation, International Relations and Project Management, promoting the possibility to participate in EU-funded programmes.

IHF organises also study groups to Brussels for young graduates, local authorities representatives, SMEs, Universities, promoting mobility activities at different training levels. Since 2004 IHF organised more than 40 study visits to Brussels for more than 500 people.

IHF took part as associate partner in previous EU funded projects, contributing mainly to Disseminaton and exploitation activities. IHF provides further assistance through continuous monitoring of EU legislation and European Institution activities, and consequent spread of related information, assistance in the search for partners and building up of networks.

Thanks to its presence in Brussels IHF asbl developed relevant experience in the organisation of Dissemination and Valorisation activities at EU level, through contacts with MEPs, other European associations and Institutions, stakeholders, consumers groups etc.

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Organization for Promotion of European Issues

The Organization for Promotion of European Issues (OPEI) is an educational, extrovert, and innovative NGO located in the region of Paphos, Cyprus which pays attention on the issues such as education, culture and youth. OPEI has in recent years provided its expertise and assistance to enable local communities to overcome social and economic disparities of disadvantaged social groups by developing specific and innovative actions. OPEI constitutes of several professionals such as psychologists, social workers, teachers and other associates that contribute towards achieving the organisation’s main objectives. These associates offer volunteering and training services in soft skills and support the welfare services of the rural communities, especially when these include Individuals, Groups, and Communities.
Through the development of our volunteering activities, we have enabled people to develop skills and capacities in which under different circumstances they would not have the ability to do so, as they have managed to develop the feeling of belongingness, innovation, and creativity. The organization also has experience in hosting students from EU countries and operates a hosting facility where students can come and have a comfortable and safe environment during their stay. We host more than 300 people every year in Paphos in different EU projects.

OPEI has in recent years participated in several EU and national projects, such as the CoE "All Different All Equal" campaign, Youth exchanges, Grudntvig and Leonardo Mobility lifelong learning projects and strategic partnerships. Currently we support many ERASMUS + KA1 projects and 3 KA2 projects. OPEI is a member of the Cyprus national network of Anna Lindh Foundation for the dialogue among cultures and cooperates with national research centers and academic institutions. We are proud of the development of our strong media contacts which has enabled us to work closely with several contemporary stakeholders such as www.pafosnet.com, from where we can disseminate project results and information campaigns. The exchange of experiences, the identification of the best methods and practices in this project would play a pivotal role in solving the core issues, where cooperation among European partners becomes invaluable. The organization, in cooperation with the other partners will define the goals that would benefit the education and training of trainers and learners in this project.

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İ.ova Youth Art & Culture Organisation

İ.ova Youth Art & Culture Organisation ( İ.ova Gençlik Kültür , Sanat ve Gelişim Derneği) is an organization of non-profit nature, which was founded in 2018.It is based in the city of Aydın and counts more than one hundred (100) individuals as members, young and creative citizens, people who share values, ideas, thoughts, reflections and vision.

İ.ova Gençlik is a young and dynamic organisation that was created as a response to the need for a vibrant, community based formation that will be able to recognise opportunities and respond to challenges related to the unique character of the local community and its members.

Our aim is to promote the empowerment of young people and adults through the creation of real opportunities for educational and professional development and stimulate the youth entrepreneurship in an international environment using various models and opportunities such as e-learning, in-class trainings, mentoring, , youth exchanges.

According to its values and principles, the NGO gives support to every person, promoting equal opportunities and supporting these communities helping them to reach their goals and achievements in a self-sufficient way.

As a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting the local community on a daily basis, especially through provision of learning and training opportunities, creative and artistic initiatives, and encouraging integration and inclusion, we aim to be active in various fields relevant to the spirit and life of our local community.

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