Unity Europe


UNITY EUROPE project kicks off to support integration of young immigrants across Europe

The consortium is excited to announce the kick-off of the UNITY EUROPE project, marked by an online meeting held on April 9, 2024. UNITY EUROPE, co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 – Cooperation partnerships in youth, is implemented by six partners from diverse European countries and aims to equip young immigrants (aged 18 to 30) with essential skills and foster active citizenship to facilitate their integration into European society. The partnership, comprised of the following organisations, brings together a wealth of expertise and experience: Institut Corse de Formation et Recherche en Travail Social (FR) IT Solutions for All (ES) European Platform for International Cohesion (IT) Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires /BE) Organization for Promotion of European Issues (CY) İ.ova Youth Art & Culture Organisation (TK) During the kick-off meeting partners engaged in the preparation of the project's work plan, setting deadlines, discussing administrative and financial matters, and outlining further steps to ensure the project's smooth execution throughout the entire duration of the project (two years). In particular, IHF launched the action plan for Work Package 2 (WP2), aimed at assessing the drivers and challenges faced by young immigrants. This activity will allow partners to identify specific and relevant training areas to be further tackled in Work Package 3 (WP3) and provide vital information and useful links that support young immigrants in navigating their host nations and relevant institutions.

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The UNITY EUROPE digital platform is now available in English!

The UNITY EUROPE consortium is pleased to announce that its digital platform of open educational resources is now open and available to the public in English. UNITY EUROPE is a project co-funded by the European Union, in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 – Cooperation partnerships in youth. The project is implemented by a partnership of six organisations from France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Cyprus and Türkiye. UNITY EUROPE project aims to enhance the social and professional integration of young immigrants (aged 18 to 30) in Europe by equipping them with essential skills and fostering active citizenship. Specific objectives include strengthening employability, promoting intercultural dialogue, and creating a digital platform with training resources. These objectives align with the EU priorities of inclusion and diversity, active citizenship, and youth employability. The digital platform is one of the project's outputs, as the main means of disseminating the other results to the target groups. In order to reach a wider audience, the platform will soon be available in Spanish, Italian, French, Greek and Turkish. To keep up to date with all the latest news, don’t hesitate to visit us at www.unity-europe.eu, and follow us on social media.

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